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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Watch movies with subtitles using Nokia N8-00 !!!

Now it is possible to watch movies with subtitles using your Nokia N8-00 phone. Earlier this feature did not work with Nokia Mobile phones. But now it is possible with your Nokia N8-00 device which has done so many revolutionary things in mobile phone industry. This will increase the mobile phone usage among the deaf also. Here I will describe how to use this feature using some screen shots.
  • You must upgrade your video player to ver 9.22(52) or above.
  •        Upgrade can be easily done using the Phones’ Software Update feature.

  • Once you finished the upgrade you are able to use this feature. This subtitle feature works only for SRT files and the SRT file should have the movie file name as well.

  • Now you are ready to watch the movie with subtitles using Nokia N8-00 phone. Go to Videos and open the movie file. It will automatically detect your subtitle file.

Likewise there are lots of new things you can do with Nokia N8-00 phone. I will explain these new features one by one in future posts.

1 comment:

  1. hi ...
    I am having nokia c7 this supported by nokia c7??? if yes..where I will get video player latest installable.?
